fall_house250pxFun Fact Friday – Fall Pest Prevention

With the falling temperatures, pests are looking for access into your home. One way of keeping pests from sharing your home is to be proactive.

  • Firewood should be stored outside and away from the home.
  • Ensure dryer vent dampers completely close and are not left open.
  • Install weather-stripping around all exterior doors and window sashes.
  • Pest control products should be applied around the perimeter of the home.
  • Store things in plastic boxes instead of cardboard. Cardboard attracts pests.
  • Find all potential entry points in addition to sealing gaps in the underside of your siding.
  • Controlling pests that spiders feed on will discourage spiders from living in your residence.
  • Plantings and mulch should not be allowed to touch the outside of your home’s structure.
  • Prune all vegetation to ensure it is not in contact with your home at any point.