clhnnch250pxFun Fact Friday – Chinch Bugs

  • Chinch bugs in large numbers, can devastate a lawn.
  • Chinch bugs flourish during summer months, with infestations peaking in July.
  • Adult Chinch bugs overwinter in leaf litter and other dense thatch areas that offers them shelter.
  • Infested lawns display discolored patches, which are usually circular in shape and found in sunny locations.
  • Adult Chinch bugs rarely measure over 6 mm in length, are small, black bugs with white wings folded over the back. Nymphs are bright red after hatching, then darken as they approach maturity.
  • Proper aeration, fertilization, irrigation, mowing, and pest control will reduce the potential of Chinch bug infestations.
  • Chinch bugs will continue doing damage year round. Two generations typically occur each year, and a partial third generation occurs during years with long summers.
  • Keep lawns well-watered, especially during hot summer months. Mow lawns at the recommended maximum height and apply insecticide to the infested areas.
  • As they feed, Chinch bugs inject a toxin causing the grass to wither, turning from a healthy green color to a brown-yellow color, and finally dies. Damage typically occurs first in water-stressed areas along the edges of the lawn or where the grass is growing in full sunlight.