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Fun Fact Friday – Mosquitoes
Fun Fact Friday – Mosquitoes
- Bats eat mosquitoes.
- Dark clothing attracts mosquitoes.
- West Nile virus came to the U.S. in 1999.
- Bacteria can be used to kill mosquito larvae.
- The two main mosquito predators are fish and dragonflies.
- A full moon increased mosquito activity 500% in one study.
- DEET is considered the ‘gold standard’ of mosquito repellents.
- Mosquito mates synchronize their wing beats to perform a lover’s duet.
- Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals; males feed on flower nectar.
- Salt marsh mosquitoes may travel up to 100 miles from their larval breeding habitat.
- Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on Earth. That’s right, more deaths are associated with mosquitoes than any other animal on the planet.
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